The story of SwiftHound Bows

I am Maryellen, Journeyman Armbruster. (Crossbow maker). Most folks call me DW, which stands for DirtWitch, a nickname I’ve had for many years, that came of my love for gardening.
The first job I ever had was working in a woodshop. I had a skilled and knowledgeable manager, Tim Brown, who loved woodworking, and after work and on weekends, we made boxes, tables, chopping boards, and more, from the left over scraps in the shop. He taught me much and I found that I had a love for woodworking.

College, then life marched on. 25 years later, my love for wood was renewed, when I talked my way into an Apprenticeship with David R. Watson, New World Arbalest; of Austin, Texas.
David has been a wonderful teacher and mentor and shown so much patience. His passion for medieval crossbows and vast knowledge the history thereof is so inspiring. And, in the true spirit of a Master guiding an Apprentice, then a Journeyman, to his/her own business, I have moved into my own shop and continue my woodworking there.
I have made bows for museums, movies, tv shows, re-enactors, SCA, target competition, collectors and have been featured in History in the Making, from Crooked Horse Productions, a TV series out of Canada, with other folks making period items.
I will do my best to help you find out what you need in a crossbow, and make that for you.
Remember, always “Sagitto Bis”: Double Tap!